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Privacy Policies:

Cakesgram treats customer privacy as important and respects and guards customers' rights.

We collect information from you to ensure your orders are placed successfully on this website only. Appropriate measures are in place to keep your personal information confidential and we do not share or pass on information except where it may be necessary to do so to ensure your order can be fulfilled.

We guarantee that our customer database will not be sold or marketed for any reason whatsoever to third parties. may contain links to websites operated by third parties and these websites should contain their own privacy policies. Thus, makes no guarantees in respect to how your information may be used in these third parties websites. is the owner of information that is submitted and by submitting any of your information you are consenting to the storage and where applicable retrieval of your information so submitted for the purposes set out herein. reserves the right, to modify or remove portions of this privacy policy at any time and this Privacy Policy should be read with the other terms and conditions applicable to the use of this website. Any conditions that are not enforceable, void or invalid shall be deemed severable here from and all other conditions remaining shall be enforceable and valid.




By giving or making available to Cakesgram your account registration data and such other information about yourself to us, you agree and acknowledge that Cakesgram may use such information to contact you with communications, materials from third parties and that you give consent to such use (account registration data will not be released to third parties). You further agree that providing us with your account registration data and/or using the Services, you expressly request to receive and consent to receiving communications and materials from us from time to time. You understand that through your use of the Services, you consent to the collection and use of this information, including the transfer of this information within Malaysia or to other countries for storage, processing and use by us and our affiliates.

Privacy Policy

  1. Personal Data Protection Notice & Privacy Policy

For purposes of this document, the expression “personal data” shall bear the meaning as defined by the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”, and includes “sensitive personal data” (as also defined by the PDPA). 


  1. Where applicable, and in relation to any personal data that may have been or may from time to time hereafter be provided by or on behalf of such provider of personal data and/or obtained independently by the company from other lawful sources (if any) in connection with a commercial transaction: 

2.1 the data provider covenants that the provider of such personal data has acknowledged, confirmed

      and consented to the company, and 

2.2 the data provider hereby acknowledges, confirms and consents to the company collecting, recording,

      holding, storing, using, dealing with and otherwise processing such personal data, for any of the

      following purposes: - 

  • for the company’s record-keeping in the ordinary course of its business; 
  • in all matters pertaining to the contract to be entered into or entered into with the company, including without limitation


  • for the company to communicate with the data provider,


  • for solicitors to prepare the agreements and to communicate with the data provider,


(c) for provision of information to relevant authorities and service providers in particular (but not limited to) for the purpose of facilitating the provision of utilities and services or as otherwise required/permitted by law or the authorised utilities/service providers,


(d) for notification (and convening of) meetings, invoices and other documents as the law may require or permit; 

(iii)       to administer and give effect to the commercial transaction and the management and/or

enforcement thereof, and to contact and communicate with the data provider and/or the organization and/or such other persons or companies as represented by the data provider; 

(iv)       to contact and provide the data provider and/or the organisation and/or such other persons or

companies represented by the data provider information regarding products, services, new launches, upcoming events, promotions, advertising, marketing and commercial materials (including emails, SMS or other means) and such other information as the company feels may be of interest to the data provider; 

(v)       to be used in, to provide and/or to improve the services of the company, analysing consumption

patterns and choices, market surveys, processing invoices and payments (including card payments) and providing other services to enhance and support the relationship of the data provider and/or the organization and/or such other persons or companies represented by the data provider; 

(vi)      to enable the company’s compliance with its obligations under any law, rule, regulation, by-law,

order, guideline, directive, policy and such other requirements in force and as amended from time to time relating to the commercial transaction and/or relating to the conduct of the business or activities of the company. The data provider, the organization and/or such other persons or companies represented by the data provider respectively referred to above further acknowledge that information given or the request made by the data provider and/or the organisation and/or such other persons or companies represented by the data provider leading to the provision of any personal data is sufficient, accurate, complete and not misleading, and that such personal data is provided voluntarily and is necessary for the purposes set out above. Where the data provider provides any personal data for or on behalf of another, the data provider covenants that he has obtained the consent of such other and that the personal data is given voluntarily, accurately and is complete; failing which the data provider shall indemnify the company against any claims from such other person. Please be informed that apart from the personal data which you have provided to us, we may also collect such date from other sources, for example, through our media launches which you may have been invited to or participation in our campaigns where you are required to provide personal data about yourself and other parties, like your family members.
If you do not wish for any part of your personal data to be used by us, you will be required to notify us of this immediately. 


  1. Where personal data is requested, the data provider, the organization or such other persons or companies represented by the data provider has the option not to provide additional information requested other than the information which the company has indicated as necessary to facilitate the commercial transaction. If data provider does not complete the required fields for itself or on behalf of the organization or such other persons or companies represented by the data provider as the case may be, the company will not be able to offer the services and/or fulfil the request of data provider and/or the organization and/or such other persons or companies represented by the data provider. 


  1. In connection with the purposes above, the company is hereby permitted to disclose such personal data to the relevant authorities, the company’s successor in interest, sponsors, advertisers, solicitors, insurers, adjusters, other advisers, suppliers, contractors and/or service providers, and the company’s parent company, group of companies, related and associated companies, affiliates and partners, some of whom may be outside Malaysia, who may undertake administrative, management and operational functions for or on behalf of the company in respect of or arising from the commercial transaction or to support sales, marketing, promotion and/or advertising efforts. 
  2. In the event of a sale of business, disposal, acquisition, merger or reorganisation involving the company or the assets of the company to another party, personal data may be required to be disclosed and/or transferred to the other party as part of the process of sale, disposal, acquisition, merger or reorganisation. The data provider acknowledges and covenants that the provider of such personal data has acknowledged, confirmed and consented to the company that such disclosure and transfer may occur and hereby permit the company to release the personal data to the other party and its advisers and representatives and that the other party has the provider’s consent to process such personal data. 
  3. The data provider shall notify the company in writing of any change in any personal data provided. The data provider may request in writing for access to and to request for correction of personal data in accordance with the PDPA. In the event of such request, or if the provider of such personal data has an inquiry or complaint in respect of the company’s handling of such personal data, the provider can contact the company at the company’s office at Suite 11.01, Level 11 Menara IGB Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Tel: +603 2264 6888); (Fax: +603 2264 6999); Email:; Contact Personnel: Data Protection Officer
    However, we fully reserve our right to deny you access to or to correct your personal data in for reasons permitted by the applicable law. 


  1. Transfer of Personal Data
    Your personal data may from time to time be transferred to, stored, used and processed by us in places other than Malaysia. This is because some of our digital storage facilities and servers may be located in such other places. 


In addition to the above, your personal data may also be transferred out of Malaysia to third parties and you hereby consent to the transfer of your personal data out of Malaysia. 

  1. To opt out of receiving email from us If you no longer wish to receive emails from us simply click on the unsubscribe link included in every email.


  1. Should there be inconsistency in interpretation between the English and Bahasa Melayu version in this PDPA policy, the English version of the policy shall prevail.


Polisi Privasi


  1. Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi & Polisi Privasi 

Dalam dokumen ini, ungkapan “data peribadi” mempunyai maksud seperti yang ditakrif oleh Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“PDPA” dan meliputi “data peribadi sensitive” (seperti yang ditakrif oleh PDPA). 


  1. Di mana berkaitan, dan berhubung sebarang data peribadi yang telah atau mungkin dari masa ke semasa diberi oleh atau bagi pihak pemberi data peribadi dan/atau yang didapati secara bebas oleh syarikat dari sumber-sumber lain yang sah (sekiranya ada) yang berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial ini:- 

2.1 pemberi data berwaad bahawa pemberi data peribadi tersebut telah mengakui, mengesahkan dan    

      bersetuju terhadap syarikat, dan 

  • pemberi data peribadi tersebut mengakui, mengesah dan bersetuju terhadap syarikat, memungut,

merekod, memegang, menggunakan, mengendalikan, berurusan dengan dan memproses dengan apa cara jua data peribadi tersebut, bagi sebarang tujuan yang berikut:- 

(i) rekod simpanan syarikat dalam urusan biasa perniagaannya. 

(ii) dalam sebarang perkara berhubung kontrak yang akan dimasuki atau yang telah dimasuki dengan syarikat, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada


  • bagi syarikat menghubungi pemberi data,


  • bagi peguamcara menyediakan suratcara-suratcara perjanjian dan menghubungi pemberi data,


  • bagi memberikan maklumat kepada pihak berkuasa berkenaan dan pihak-pihak yang

memberikan servis khususnya (tetapi tidak terhad) untuk memudahkan pemberian pelbagai

kemudahan dan perkhidmatan atau dalam perkara-perkara lain yang diperlukan/dibenarkan

menurut undang-undang atau oleh pihak pemberi kemudahan yang dibenarkan,


  • bagi memberi notis (dan pengaturan) mesyuarat-mesyuarat, invois dan dokumen-dokumen lain menurut atau yang dibenarkan di bawah undang-undang. 

(iii) untuk mengendalikan dan memberi kesan kepada transaksi komersial dan pengurusan dan/atau

penguatkuasaannya, dan berhubung dan berkomunikasi dengan pemberi data dan/atau organisasi  dan/atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data 


(iv) untuk menghubungi and memberi pemberi data dan/atau organisasi dan/atau orang lain atau

 syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data tentang produk, perkhidmatan, perlancaran baru, acara  

 yang akan datang, promosi, iklan, pemasaran dan bahan-bahan komersial (termasuk e-mel, SMS  

 atau cara-cara lain) dan informasi yang lain yang syarikat rasa akan meminatkan pemberi data; 


       (v) untuk digunakan, memberi dan/atau membaiki perkhidmatan syarikat, analisis corak

penggunaan dan pilihan, kajian pasaran, proses invois dan bayaran (termasuk bayaran dengan kad) dan memberi perkhidmatan lain untuk meningkatkan dan menyokong hubungan antara pemberi data dan/atau organisasi dan/atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data.


     (vi) untuk membolehkan syarikat mematuhi kewajipan di bawah sebarang undang-undang, rukun,

peraturan, undang-undang kecil, perintah, garis petunjuk, surat arahan, polisi, dan lain-lain kehendak yang berkuatkuasa dari masa ke semasa termasuk pindaan dari masa ke semasa berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial dan/atau berkaitan dengan kelakuan perniagaan atau aktiviti-aktiviti syarikat. Pemberi data, organisasi dan/atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data yang dirujuk di atas mengakui bahawa maklumat yang diberi atau permintaan oleh pemberi data dan/atau organisasi dan/atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data yang membawa kepada pemberian sebarang data peribadi adalah mencukupi, tepat, lengkap dan tidak mengelirukan dan sebarang data peribadi yang diberi adalah secara sukarela dan adalah diperlukan untuk tujuan di atas. Di mana pemberi data memberi data peribadi bagi dan untuk pihak yang lain, pemberi data berwaad bahawa pemberi data telah mendapat persetujuan pihak yang lain dan data peribadi adalah diberi secara sukerela, tepat dan lengkap dan pemberi data akan menggantirugi syarikat terhadap apa-apa tuntutan daripada pihak yang lain tersebut Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa selain daripada data peribadi yang anda berikan kepada kami, kami juga mungkin tarikh itu daripada sumber-sumber lain, sebagai contoh, melalui pelancaran media kami yang anda mungkin telah dijemput untuk atau penyertaan dalam kempen-kempen kami di mana anda dikehendaki menyediakan data peribadi mengenai diri anda dan pihak-pihak lain, seperti ahli keluarga anda. 

Jika anda tidak mahu mana-mana bahagian data peribadi anda akan digunakan oleh kami, anda akan dikehendaki memaklumkan kepada kami dengan segera. 


3          Di mana data peribadi diminta, pemberi data, organisasi dan/atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data mempunyai pilihan untuk tidak memberi maklumat tambahan diminta selain daripada maklumat di mana syarikat menunjukkan adalah perlu untuk memudahkan transaksi komersial. Jika pemberi data tidak melengkapkan bidang yang dihendaki untuk sendiri atau untuk pihak organisasi atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data mengikut mana yang berkenaan, syarikat tidak dapat memberi servis dan/atau memenuhi permintaan pemberi data dan/atau organisasi dan/atau orang lain atau syarikat yang diwakili oleh pemberi data. 


4          Berhubung tujuan-tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas, syarikat adalah dibenarkan untuk mendedahkan data peribadi tersebut kepada pihak-pihak berkuasa berkenaan, pengganti kepentingan syarikat, penaja, pengiklan, peguamcara syarikat, syarikat insuran, penyelaras (adjusters), lain-lain penasihat, pembekal, kontraktor dan pemberi perkhidmatan, dan syarikat induk, syarikat-syarikat yang berkaitan atau sekutu dan rakan kongsi, yang mana beberapa mungkin berada di luar negara yang mengendalikan kerja-kerja pentadbiran, pengurusan yang tertentu dan fungsi-fungsi operasi untuk atau bagi pihak syarikat yang berkenaan dengan atau yang timbul dari transaksi komersial ini atau menyokong jualan, pemasaran, promosi dan/atau iklan. 

5          Dalam keadaan jualan perniagaan, pelupusan, ambilalih, gabungan atau susunan semula melibatkan syarikat atau aset syarikat kepada pihak lain, data peribadi mungkin perlu untuk didedahkan dan/atau dipindah kepada orang lain sebagai sebahagian proses jualan, pelupusan, ambilalih, gabungan atau susunan semula. Pemberi data mengakui dan berwaad bahawa pemberi data peribadi mengakui, mengesahkan dan bersetuju kepada syarikat bahawa pendedahan dan pindahan mungkin berlaku dan membenarkan syarikat untuk mendedahkan data peribadi kepada pihak lain dan penasihat dan wakil dan pihak lain yang mempunyai persetujuan daripada pemberi untuk memproses data peribadi. 


6          Pemberi data akan memberi notis bertulis kepada syarikat sekiranya terdapat perubahan kepada sebarang data peribadi yang telah diberikan oleh pemberi data. Pemberi data tersebut boleh meminta secara bertulis akses kepada dan untuk meminta pembetulan terhadap data peribadi menurut peruntukan-peruntukan PDPA. Untuk membuat permintaan tersebut, atau sekiranya permberi data peribadi tersebut mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan atau aduan berhubung cara pengendalian data peribadi tersebut oleh syarikat, pemberi tersebut boleh menghubungi syarikat di pejabatnya di Suite 11.01, Level 11 Menara IGB Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Tel: +603 2264 6888); (Fax: +603 2264 6999); Email:; Contact Personnel: Data Protection Officer 
Walau bagaimanapun, kami memelihara sepenuhnya hak kami untuk menafikan akses anda kepada atau untuk membetulkan data peribadi anda di atas sebab-sebab yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang terpakai. 


7          Pemindahan Data peribadi
Maklumat peribadi anda boleh dari semasa ke semasa dipindahkan, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses oleh kami di tempat-tempat lain selain Malaysia. Ini adalah kerana sebahagian daripada kemudahan penyimpanan digital kami dan pelayan mungkin berada di tempat lain.

Selain di atas, data peribadi anda mungkin juga akan dihantar keluar dari Malaysia kepada pihak ketiga dan anda dengan ini bersetuju dengan pemindahan data peribadi anda daripada Malaysia. 


8          Untuk memilih keluar daripada menerima emel daripada kami Sekiranya anda tidak lagi mahu menerima emel daripada kami, and hanya perlu klik link "Unsubscribe" yang boleh didapati di setiap emel kami


9          Sekiranya terdapat sebarang ketidakseragaman di antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia polisi PDP ini, maka versi Bahasa Inggeris akan mengatasi versi Bahasa Malaysia