Request a free copy of our traditional rose catalogue, which has been the bedside companion of rose lovers for decades and is a useful tool to help plan your garden. It is packed with tips and advice, as well as detailed descriptions of 800 varieties of roses, including Old Roses, climbing roses, rambling roses and 150 of David Austin’s wonderfully fragrant, repeat-flowering English Roses.
In the early 1950s David Austin set out to create a more beautiful rose. Sixty years on, this simple objective remains.
From a hobby breeder as a young teenager David Austin has gone on to breed a collection of roses renowned across the world.
Rose breeding is often described as being as much an art as a science.
All David Austin roses have a collective style and reflect one man’s vision. All have beautiful blooms and in most cases wonderful fragrance held on graceful attractive shrubs. A garden of these outstanding roses is hard to beat for sheer exuberance of flower and fragrance.
Today, David Austin Roses remains a family business. David Austin has been joined by his son David and his grandson, Richard.